In BSB City, Central Java, Indonesia, Soegijapranata Catholic foundation recently finished the Fransiskus Assisi building consisting of five floors, including the rooftop, which covers 28,000 sqm.

This faculty of Agricultural Technology has two study programs, the Bachelor of Food Technology and the Master of Food Technology.
The Food Technology Bachelor Program they have three concentration programs; first is Food Technology & Innovation, second is Nutrition & Culinary Technology, and third is Food for Beauty and Wellness.
Kitchen Laboratory was built to support Nutrition and Culinary Technology learning. In this Kitchen lab, students can learn about culinary technology that has equipment with professional standards.

Nayati is a big name in the culinary industry, so the products are well-made, strong, and durable, and after-sales service is also excellent. Most importantly, the students are accustomed to using equipment that will also be used in the professional field.” Said Laksmi Hartayani as the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Check out the video showing how Nayati is empowering Soegijapranata University achieving a new height in culinary education!